General data
For legal persons (companies):
For legal persons:
It concerns inquiries about a person hired by a company. Beyond a Normal Intelligence, we confirm you:
It takes all the parameters of the Normal Intelligence, as well on the Physical People as Morales, and includes in addition:
International Intelligence provides information on companies, individual reasons and industrial operations around the world, which are listed in the usual country registers. Information on natural persons is also available, despite the extensive restrictions of some countries (data protection).
Brief information
Our succinct information within the framework of the special services is adapted to the different needs of the customers. They are extracted from a single source of information or represent a combination of sources.
This determines the identity of an individual as well as his legal and fiscal residence. We list the following elements, according to the availability of information given by the Population Office:
- Name of birth.
- Place of origin and of birth.
- Current Residence.
- Date at which the official papers were lodged.
Remark: Laws protecting the individual may prevent us from disclosing or obtaining certain information.
According to which canton is affected, the Collections Offices requires a proof of interest to be included in the inquiry (Art. 8 of the federal law on collections of debts and bankruptcy). If possible, we supply information regarding the state of litigations concerning the subject in question, his/her legal and fiscal residence. An evaluation of the personal situation and our credit opinion is also made and communicated at the end of each report.
In the eventuality that an individual or a company is listed in the Trade Register we furnish the following information:
- Registered name and/or Trade name.
- Legal seating and place of operating business.
- Date and place of foundation (According to official notes of the National Trade Registry)
- Share capital of joint stock companies ; Limited companies, etc.
- Objective of the company
- Functions/responsibilities of board members, their citizenship and legal address.
- Signature rights held by each Board Member.
We verify the address given by the client with our data base and with various other sources. This does not mean that the address which is supplied is the legal or fiscal residence of the subject.
The Verification of Address is complementary to the Collections Office which guarantees the exact legal address of the subject in question.
This inquiry determines the following:
- Real business activities of the individual or company in question.
- Number of employees within the company.
- The manner in which business matters are handled.
- The subject’s financial situation.
- Credit opinion.
In certain cantons in Switzerland, information on Revenues are kept officially secret. If available, we supply the latest fiscal information on individual or companies. If it is provisional, the tax figures of the previous years are supplied.
This enables the client to have essential information on the subject instantly, taken from our data base. Giving you the possibility to inquire from your office, car or from a conference.
These reports give you a general idea, but are under no circumstances to be taken into consideration, while deciding on important business relations or credits. Additional and actual information would be necessary, for example, an up-to-date report from the Collections Office.
This gives you the information if a private person or a company is the proprietor of any real estate. Where it is situated, what the fiscal, actual or other value is. If the said land is encumbered with mortgages and to what extent.
This type of invetigation is comprised of:
- Data from the Population’s Office
- Data from the Debt Collection Office
- Reference checking with previous / current employers
Reports on companies are composed of official and verified information obtained from the following:
- National Trade Registries – Which contain all information regarding companies in Switzerland and/or abroad as well as information on its directing/managing staff.
- Inquiries and reference checks with suppliers, clients, landlords, Etc.
- Bankruptcy and Payment records.
- Litigation records.
- Share capital and Shareholders.
- Annual turnover if available.
- Credit Opinion.
Remark: With the subscription “Financial and Credit companies”, this report is delivered without “Debt Collection Office”.
Reports on individuals are composed of official and verified information obtained from the following:
- Office de la Population – which archives all official information on Swiss Residents.
- National Trade Registries – Which contain the names of individuals listed as Managing or Directing staff in companies.
- Inquiries and reference check with prior employers, universities, landlords, etc.
Please note: This combination only exists for “Silver” subscriptions.
The Enterprise Report is supplied only to the subscribers of the “Gold” service. Its field of investigation is that of companies which are listed in the Trade Register. It does not include one-man companies or individuals.
With the aid of our data banks, archives, a specific inquiry and references we are able to determine the following:
- Financial figures (approximate or exact if they are published).
- Number of employees and, if possible, whether they are full-time, part-time, seasonal or apprentices).
- Suppliers and clientèle.
- The enterprise’s subcontractors, if any.
- Business activities in Switzerland and/or abroad.
- Legal or financial procedures.
- Operations realized in the past.
- Whether the subject company belongs to a group or a holding company.
- The subject company’s role in other companies.
- The subject company’s share capital and its shareholders if available.
- WYS MULLER credit opinion.
We also communicate if the enterprise in question is a leader in its domain and its position in the related market.
The Financial Report is only supplied to those subscribed as “Gold” service members. It’s field of investigation covers companies which are listed in the National Trade Registries. It does not include one-man companies or individuals.
With the aid of our data bank, we are able to determine the following elements:
(Approximate or Exact if published)
- Corporate relations.
- Financial participations.
- Any eventual ties to a group or a holding company.
- Share capital of the company in question, along with any corporate history regarding increases or decreases of the share capital.
- Name of shareholders, with their eventual participation to any other companies as well.
- Personal properties: Real-Estate, Vehicles, Machines, Warehouses, Factories, Etc.
- Development and forecast of business and market trends.
- Debt Collections Office with comments (notified litigation, oppositions, Etc.).
- Details of Assets and/or Liabilities of a one-man company or any other company.
- Credit opinion and risk factor evaluation for the subject in question.
In order to be able to conduct a report on specific points, it would be preferable that the reason of your inquiry be indicated in the section titled “Conditions” on the inquiry voucher. This will specify whether it is for an allocation of a credit, a recovery of a credit, a revision of a report or a future entry into business relations.
In the case where an individual or company is registered in the national trade register, we provide the following information:
- Registered Name or Trade Name.
- Legal seating and place of operating business.
- Date of foundation ( According to official inscriptions in the National Trade Registry).
- Share capital of joint stock companies ; limited companies, etc.
- Corporate objective of the company.
- Functions/responsibilities of the members, their citizenship and legal address.
- Signature rights, if any.